
The Celtic Witan Church is open to those on a pagan path. Seekers can join when open rituals are available. Many members follow one of the two paths in our pagan spiritual activities. Group ritual and individual study are encouraged.
For those whose circumstances preclude participation in either the HearthStone or Initiate Path, individual covens may offer spiritual support for the solitary pagan, whose assignments and responsibilities can be modified by the High Priest/ess’s of the individual coven to suit the solitary practitioner. One on one sponsorship is rare, owning the responsibility to the seeker.  Contact a local coven or clergy person to request sponsorship or to join in a ceremony.

HearthStone Path

For those who prefer to participate informally, we offer the HearthStone Path. This is for participants who are regularly attending members and wish to call the coven their home.  HearthStone Path members can participate or not, as their spirit moves them. They can request a blue cord ceremony which will denote their membership to the coven. There are no set dues or fees for the travelers of this path; however, any contributions to the expenses of maintaining the coven and church are always gratefully welcomed.

Initiates Path

Each of the following stages in a covener’s advancement lasts a year and a day. Each degree in the path takes an additional year and a day, (sometimes more) starting at Imbolc (Feb 1). Responsibilities are cumulative. We do request those on the Priest/Priestess Path to commit to a yearly financial contribution whatever is affordable to the initiate.

All contributions are tax deductible.

RoleResponsibilitiesYearCord Color
Dedicant to First degreeParticipate in 90 % of public rituals, attend dark moon training, complete assignments lead 2 (or more) public rituals0-1White
First degree to Second degreeAttend private trainings and complete first year study requirements and lead rituals. Includes “Contacting” deity.  Assists 1st degree students1-2Red
Second degree to Third degreeContinues attending private training and completes second year study requirements and lead rituals. Includes “Aspecting” deity, and community service. Assists 1st and 2nd degree students.2-3Black
Third degree & HPHaving completed the three year study requirements, You are considered a High Priest or High Priestess . Continue spiritual leadership and guidance to other CWC members. Assist in all training. Sits on the board of Elders.3Green
ClergyProvide spiritual leadership and guidance to community members, pagan and otherwise. Learn to counsel people through life’s changes and crises. May hive and form a new coven. upon completion of 3 degrees